After our Giants extravagance life back at base felt rather slow, staying in one place all day with just my washing to keep me occupied and then back into that office for the day. Something had to be done, so it was decided to go off to the local pub (40kms away) and take advantage of the beer and burger night for a celebratory evening out. Most enjoyable. Then the following morning I was off hours riding, western style for those of you that were interested. Now I’m not the most experienced horse rider in the world in fact you could say I’m rather in experience so riding horses that are very really ridden wouldn’t be the smartest thing to do. However I did have an expert rider accompanying me but this wonderful rider though not to instruct us on how to ride but rather demonstrate how fast a horse can go when you start in galloping home. Well needles to say this didn’t end too well, from watching the Grand National and so forth on TV I knew the rough position to obtain when a horse is going bloody fast but my friend on the other horse was no so clued up. Oh and the master rider managed to stop the hours end walk it home. So our horse were racing back and I was loving it but my friend however had her bum glued to the seat rains at full length and has leaning back shacking like a possessed woman trying to get it to stop. Well her horse did eventually stop at the fence but by this time she wasn’t on it anymore. The rest of the day was rather mundane I raised the roof… of the crane pen and that was about it the 6th was no better but on the 7th I was off to Nsonge to be a gest at a local ceremony and contrary to popular belief they didn’t try and cook me in a bubbling cauldron. They event seemed to be in aid of someone’s engagement of something like that but it involved quite a bit of dancing. The most popular dance seemed to be one where you would swing your leg into the air, clap underneath it and then in time with the other clapping slam your foot to the ground. Now this was quite an education but the drunk granddad how could only speack IsiZulu how had been task to look after me seemed to think it was a great idea to try and get me involved in a bit of dancing, but as it appeared to only be women and him dancing I though it best to refrain. Later on I was invited to join them for some lunch of; curry and rice followed by jelly and custard and cake, so my kind of meal. After the meal the drinking started and it seemed to me that the locals were determined to try and kill me via the means of alcohol poison offering me whisky, vodka and even Zulu beer but as you can see they failed in there attempts. But they did manage to get me to stay the night at the house insisting it was too dangerous to walk back say if the drunken villages didn’t get me the bush pig would. Well I wasn’t too deterred by this IV slept in much worse places that a bed in a mud hut in my time so all in all it was quite a good nights sleep. Apart from when the chick though I would be funny to strike up conversation at 0450 in the morning, so needless to say I was rather tired for the rest of the day. So it would be sods law that the 8th was the day all the crane tours arrived, but I didn’t fall asleep which giving them so I think I got away with it. That evening I was supposed to be back in Nsonge but my tiredness was too great and my own bed too comfy. The following day I was supposed to be feeding the cranes and giving tours again but after hearing all sorts of commotion over the radio a car came hurtling towards me and told me to get in. It was my boss and it appeared that one of the students visiting had passed out and was now been rushed off to hospital and it was my job to drive the teacher behind the ambulance and the paramedic, luckily for me the patient had been stabilised so I wasn’t about to get my first speeding ticket and actually it was all rather boring I arrived sat around for a few hours greeted the family when they arrived witness shock trauma as one of the family member though up everywhere after seeing the patient in the neck brace and then drove the teacher back to base. So quite a mundane day, but at least I got out of that office. Nothing else much has happened round hear apart from on the 12th I was off riding again this time with two experienced riders and the new rider actually taught me how to ride. Woo Hoo, so this time after a much more controlled ride I wasn’t incredibly saw and I could actually walk normally.
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