Finally I’ve managed to do what I planed to do when I arrived visited a project sight! But one wasn’t enough so yesterday I managed to get to 2; after all that sitting around I had some catching up to do. The sights were located at Deenbandhu (the name give to C.F Andrews meaning friend of the poor) school in east Delhi. This area until very recently had been slums, but now ‘concrete slums’ have been built in there place. Upon arriving I was show round the school its self which hold classes for those in pre-school to year 10 and is currently experimenting with continuing teaching until year 12. All the classes are well attended with around 40 pupils in each. The school day is from 8.00 till 13.00 but after that optional classes/ extra tuition start and run until the evening. The building itself is fairly primate but adequate for its purpose. However when I was visiting there was another power cut; a common occurrence as Delhi’s electrical infrastructure is very unreliable; so all the classrooms were dimly light by the sunlight. But teaching carrying on as usually so either I didn’t affect the pupils too much or they have learnt to cope with the problem.
The school is also the home to the Brotherhood boys home, which provides around 12-14 boys a safe place to live. In the house there are also 2 women employed to cook and look after the boys. The aim of the home is to reunite the boys with their families but while they are there they’re taught some of the skills necessary to survive in this world as well as being provided with an education both academic and moral. The Brotherhood helps to support both these project by providing money to subsidies tuition fees and to go towards employing staff and teachers, in respect of the boy’s home donations also help employ the maids as well as purchasing food, cloths, any medical expenses and transport for the boys. On the way back home from my visit Danish told me how some of the boys used to be sponsored which help a lot with the coast of running things but recently sponsorship had been unsuccessful.
Class 4 standing to attention |
Class 4s teacher |
younger pupils outside class |
two of the 6th form students |
Street the schools located on |
going home after school |
The school is also the home to the Brotherhood boys home, which provides around 12-14 boys a safe place to live. In the house there are also 2 women employed to cook and look after the boys. The aim of the home is to reunite the boys with their families but while they are there they’re taught some of the skills necessary to survive in this world as well as being provided with an education both academic and moral. The Brotherhood helps to support both these project by providing money to subsidies tuition fees and to go towards employing staff and teachers, in respect of the boy’s home donations also help employ the maids as well as purchasing food, cloths, any medical expenses and transport for the boys. On the way back home from my visit Danish told me how some of the boys used to be sponsored which help a lot with the coast of running things but recently sponsorship had been unsuccessful.
Boy studying |
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