Much Of Nothing
Since arriving I have spent the majority of my time in the brotherhood. Yesterday at the breakfast table I met Farther Solomon, the treasurer for the Brotherhood; he introduced himself and showed me where the porridge was. Of course its porridge! It’s the national breakfast of India, it was what we ate on Raleigh and it’s the first course of breakfast at the brotherhood (the second being egg on toast) therefore it must the nations breakfast, I can think of no other reasonable explanation. After breakfast I met a couple of Aussies who were on their first trip to India, visiting some of the Brotherhood sites as well as other projects in the area run by different charities. After a bit of socialising I was invited into Farther Monodeep office where he discussed the plan for my visit as well as those concerning the relationship with the Friends of the Delhi Brotherhood. One of which is called Odyssey, an idea where by groups from the UK to come to Delhi, stay at the Brotherhood and are given tours of the locals sights as well as been show to the Brotherhoods project sights.
In the afternoon i received the honour of going to the ‘dog clinic’ based in the heart of the student accommodation. However apart from an increase in young people it wasn’t really that different from the rest of the city, as well as this the night life in Delhi is located in the south east of the city or so I hear, which makes me think there not real students at all. On the way back from the clinic one of the dogs decided it wanted to ride up font, this wouldn't have been too big an issues but for a few facts: it was a rather big dog that had just received an anti-tic vaccination and the front of the car which wasn’t that big to start with was rather full with books and me, so it was a bit of a squeeze, but I guess when in Rome. Today I have been held captive by the relentless rain which has reportedly shut down the majority of the city, meaning I couldn’t go out and seem the Boys Home and Night shelter. This was a bit of a disappointment but the rain has provided it own entertainment back at the brotherhood; from the mundane flooding of the garden to more serious problems of roofs leaking and generators exploding.
Rain coming down |
Remains of generator
Flooded garden
So really I haven’t been able to do too much research into the work of the brotherhood so far but India has a way to keep people entertain and hopefully the weather will ease of in the days to come and I can get out there.
Shame about all the rain, think you must have taken it with you as it's now sunny here! Good to know that you are OK and being fed well! Hopefully you'll be able to get out and visit some of the projects soon. we are OK, Davey's getting jabbed up, and Dada is busy with Amber's wedding. I'm working this weekend, looks a bit busy again, oh well! thinking of you (I put an extra piece of fish out for tea tonight to remember you!) x M