Its been quite a while since iv managed to get to a computer and we've been rather busy chaps; but first i forgot to mention our target shooting session in the back garden of the farm. Being a farm they have a supply of air rifles and natural want to shoot them at cans, chestnuts and sticks; so we spent a morning aimlessly shooting things (aim as into aim to achieve not as in aim at the target). On the 26th after our hard days work yesterday we were granted the day off and dropped in town around 7.30, a tad early for any shops to be open so we did a nice walking tour of the town/city through a thermal park, along the lake front and through the government gardens, finally arriving at the I-sight at the hand time of 9.30. Now the previous day we had walked out to the Okere falls which turns out the be the highest commercially raftable fall in the world, so this had to be done. After booking a combo deal including a white water raft ride and a spa trip we were on our way. Going down the rapid with us was a couple from the UK! To start with the course was fun enough with a few good rapids and a smaller waterfall then it got a bit more exhilarating until finally we lined up for the fall, around a 6 to 7 meter drop. At first every felt like it was going fine, by fine i mean precariously balanced in a rubber boat going down a waterfall in roughly the right direction, and it wasn't until the nose of the boat found the water below that it started to go wrong; instead of bouncing up the current sucked the nose in and tipped the boat. After a few seconds of seeing nothing but white water we were released from the falls and sheltering for air in hull of the overturned craft waiting for our instructors to put it back the right way up. After that excitement the water calmed for a bit so we went for a swim down the rapid before clambering into the boat just before another rapid. eventually our fun was over and it was time to relax at the polonisen spas an array of heated pools looking out over the lake, so this was quite the contrast to the morning but a well earned relaxation session. On the 27th though it was back to furniture moving which was pretty good fun and Steve's the guy who's always got a few joke lined up so we had a good laugh as well. in the evening however the invasion started, a German arrived to WWOOF at the farm. The 28th and 29th were another two days of rather uneventful furniture moving, apart from moving some people in to the house from hell. Well it was a lovely house with a sort of alpine layout but this was the hellish part; trying to mover furniture in and around the house was not the easiest of task. In the evening of the 29th yet another German arrived. On the 30th yet another German arrived, we really had been invaded.
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