Well you cant be busy all the time, sometimes one needs to kick back and chillaxe and recently that exactly what I’ve been doing. Wednesday we ventured down to the fan zone and inside the giant rugby ball which had a visual display about New Zealand and the rugby world cup. It was quite a good watch but the venue had originally been designed as a rather snazzy bar so view of the display wasn’t the most comfortable of experiences but even worse than that THE BAR WAS CLOSED. The rest of the day was spent mainly in front of the T.V, we did venture out to retrieve some vital supplies of popcorn, chocolate, and dirt cheap fizzy, oh and also to the unforgettable name of ‘Video EZY’ to get some movies. The movies of choice were (not all chosen by me); Boy, a Kiwi cult classic that everyone’s been telling us to watch; I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry, Adam Sandler been surprisingly funny; Zack and Miri make a porn, also surprisingly funny, but not one to watch with a meal; waking up in Reno, typical 80s comedy drama and the crème de le crème, Bring it on, fight to the finish, staring Christina Milan and some other spotty teenagers. We only had time for the first two films as we were being a bit sloth like and time was progressing quicker than us. The following day we ventured across the port to Devonport a rather quaint part of Auckland that maintained a village like feel. While there we took in all the sights, first it was up Mount Victoria to take in the surrounding views. Then over to the museum which was only open at weekends between 2 and 4 so that was a miss but onwards to the beach, which had a rather nice view, with a sandy beach and a sheltered shoreline and with the sun shining it was a perfect day for a swim, so why did I leave my trunks at home!!! After getting over the disappointment we ventured round North Point an ex-navel base that was filled with underground passages to explore, guns to look at and lookout points to hide in, so we had a jolly good time being boys before we ventured back into the town. Once there we went to the chocolate factory which was just a shop with a plastic screen into the factory, but we got some excellent chocolate so it was worth the walk, picked up a fabulous ice-cream with homemade cone and fought of the sea gulls before getting the ferry back home. And on the 15th they slobbed out in front of the T.V and scoffed themselves with ice-cream and chocolate while watching movies; and it was good. In the evening we went over to once of Charlottes friends to watch the game, and after Wales valiant effort we hit the town to forget all our troubles and eventually after walking back home to get my passport and in again the partying finally begun.
cheltenham beach |
north point view |
auckland |
one for the background |
I've set it as my background!