Thursday, 22 December 2011


After the fun of Christchurch it was off to Ashburton to meet up with Craig and Jaquie. After a day in the Canterbury museum we were kindly picked up buy Craig and taken to our home for the week. on the 13th we went exploring the town which didn't take too long, turns out there not a lot to do in ashburton, but not to worry Craig had quite a bit install for us so there was defiantly no chance of us getting bored, quite the opposite. In the evening it just so happened that Craig was going to Methvens local radio station to do his show so we went along for the ride. the studio itself wasn't the most flash or roomy but it did the job and as the sun was shinning we relocated outside cranked up the volume and enjoyed the evening sun sitting back with a few beers listing to the show, with the odd local popping by to pass there compliments. but it wasn't all listen and no play (well it was for me) but for Davey he was a special guest and was given a 4 song slot in which to do his thing. which was done very nicely if i do say so myself. the following day we took to the tennis courts and after eventually getting in to the courts no thanks to the grumpiest hag in New Zealand we got our game on. well at least until we lost all the balls over the fence but by then we had had a pretty good session so headed home before another evening of entertainment. this time we drove out well into the foothills of mount cook and near to one of the many sets from the lord of the rings movies. the following day wasn't the most eventful apart from a bit of awesome off-roading, driving down river beds and what not we didn't really do much. After a day of rain stopping all procedures we were up at 3.30am on the Saturday to go fishing. the weather was perfect (not raining) and thing were looking good until about the 2nd hr of not catching anything and having freezing cold wet feet, so for a bit I was wondering why people did this for fun. But after a chance of location i suddenly discovered why. The new spot was sheltered so now waves lapping over my boots and had a wonderful view of the mountains behind the lake. the only problem was there was a slight lack of fish. so for the 3rd time we changed location, not as pretty but i caught a fish, which i then proceeded to drop, through rocks at to try and halt its get away; this failed so it was back to fishing again. However my luck was in as in the last few minuets I hooked a beauty of a Salomon which wasn't going any where but into my belly. After the fishing trip the fun was far from over as we had a waterfall to walk to and then a private bar to attend before going home and cooking up the salmon before finally getting to bed around the reasonable time of 11.30pm.

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