Why on earth are yo going to Greymouth. Well thats what every kiwi we spoke to would ask us and when we arrived on the 23rd of November for our final wwoofing sight we saw exactly why there was such supprise and confusion that two tourist would want to go to Greymouth. Its and old mining community on the coast and upon first arriving gave an ipswich vibe. Once we reached our new location thing didnt get much better. There was no one to greet us, the hostel didn't look the most flash and nobody seemed to know what was going on. However from here thing started to get better. This time we were cleaning and making beds for a backpackers the work itself was rather simple and a bit boring but i said it gets better and here's the good news. We were working with 4 other people 2 Germans an American and for the first few days a Fin. So with our fellow wwoofers we were able to have a laugh, relax watching movies of an evening and make a few friends. Our dinner of an evening was soup, the same soup everyday and it wasn't the most appertising soup, but we seemed to be a charmed pair and the evening we arrived and on several other evenings we were treated to pizza, so know complaints there. After a few day there we were introduced to the Stray bus. A tour operator that shows young tourist the sight and activities of New Zealand; so why they were in greymouth i dont know but they were so that irellivent. Anyway something of relivance is that on sight there is a bar, at which we got a few free drink each day. So everyday the bus was in town, Dory would open up the bar and put on a fancy dress party. But not any old fancy dress, oh no you have to fashion your costume out of a bin bag. The first night the bus was in we joined the spirit of the dress up but unfortunately the bus didn't so that night ended a bit early. However the following time the bus was definitely up for it. Two Brits, of course, had put together the most impressive us of a bin bag id ever seen, using the base as a little black dress and detailing the edges and main body with tinsel and other glittery items. Most impressive and quite rightly they won best dressed. But everyone who dressed up was entered into the bingo game. Which with the help of our new kiwi friend we won both the straight and full house, so a most enjoyable night was had by all. The following night we were at it again but this time we had no such luck with the bingo, but did put in a good few games on the pool table. On our last night we decided to take advantaged of been on the west coast and watched the sun set over the sea. It was quite a beautiful sight watching the sun set peacefully behind the raging Tasman sea. So a fitting end to our staying Greymouth, and after a grey start it had definitely been a worth while place to visit.

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