mega meal |
Recently we've been rather busy lads so busy infact that to recount the hole venture would take to long, so your getting the abeviated version. From Fox we bused to QT (Queens Town). Named not due to a large homosexual population but rather because it was fit for a Queen. Next it was bungy time not sure how I jumped but I did. So we celebrated with a mega meal. On the 6th we were off to Milford sounds for the day. 4 hrs on a bus, 2 he cruise of the sounds ( which are actually a fiord but dose it really matter obsessive locals?) seeing pretty hills, dolphins and a large seagull called an Albatross then 4hrs back and to bed. After that excitement we took the following day to unwind eating a Mr Big Ferg Burger, lots of meat in a bun. Followed by 2 games of frisbee golf which after a frustrating start was surprisingly fun. In the evening it was off to the pub a QT way of life. Next it was back on the bus to earthquake centural. After 10 house on the bus we arrived in Christ Church where we met up with Mark ate a venison pizza then picked up P to he Clark before going on a pub hunt. This was harder than expected but after an hr we found one it was Irish with a band but by then we didn't really care and to be honest it was quite a good pub. The following day we all drove to hammer springs with the Christmas playlist blasting out the one working speaker. The springs we a bad spa crossed with a bad water park so made an alright place. We spent a few hours there sliding and chilling befor more Christmas tunes stoping for beer tasting, getting a bit lost trying to find a resident that was shut when we did find it befor stumbling across a good Thai eatery. In the evening we entertained the Dutch playing a game of 'who am I?' on the Sunday we swapped hostels found a fancy chocolate shop complete with chocolate chia before saying goodbye to Parb's and Mark and catching up on our sleep. The 12 was spent time killing in the rather interesting cantbery museum and surrounding park before meeting up with Craig and starting our stay at Ashburton. Oh we also went to the antarctic exhibition but that was a bit of an over priced excursion so enough said.
QT sunset |
said dolphin |
said albatross |
unsaid waterfall |
milford sounds |
earthquake central |
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